Night of the Masks - PARTY (no Dinner) - Mar 28th 25
The NIGHT of the MASKS
March 28th 2025
- The Party (no dinner) -
A sensual, erotic castle party
Strictly limited!
At an historic castle +/- 100km of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
This offer is for guests, that would like party with us, after the dinner. Tickets are for couples plus their entourage, so you can bring a friend if you like (the shop allows ticket quantities from 2 and up).The price includes wine, prosecco, beer, water and all non-alcoholic beverages. Only french champane and cocktails are chareged extra.
"The most exclusive orgy in the world" - ELLE
Since 2003 Xklusiv organizes the "Nacht der Masken" at historic castles and palaces. Cosmopolitan, Elle, Playboy and other magazines covered those exlusive events
"A fantasy straight out of Kubricks Eyes Wide Shut" - PLAYBOY
The media comparison with the movie is obvious. Since decades a selected group of people gathers for a luxurious party behind the anonymity of venetian masks. An ancient castle is the perfect setting and a professional organization puts the privacy of the guests first. The venue offers plenty of rooms for ones passion, from a real dungeon full of bdsm toys to halls filled with beds and sexy furniture to private rooms. A modern design bar lounge is meanwhile the perfect place to drink and socialize and meet new acquaintances - maybe for further adventures in the castle grounds.
The dress-code for the evening ranges from lush historic dresses to sexy lingerie, which suits the beautiful females hidden behind their masks very well. The gentlemen also show "bella figura" with white or black tie suits, historic parade uniforms and the like. Enjoy dressing up for this special occasion and impress with an extravagant and elegant outfit.
Venetian masks from paper mache, metal or leather etc. can be purchased at the entrance. Prices start from 15 Euro up.
Only the guests of the evening get to know the destination of this spectacular castle. As an orientation, this castle is about 1 hour away from Frankfurt am Main (+/- 100km). With your tickets, you get the address as well as a list with close by hotels.
For privacy reasons no cameras are allowed at the event, same for mobile phones with a camera feature. There will be security check, to enforce this rule. Also all guests are obliged to keep the venue secret and don't assist in any picture or video coverage of the event. This is to ensure the anonymity of all guests and to enjoy the evening without any worries. Many of our well-known guests appreciate this privacy.
Important to know:
No cancelation on ticket orders!
Tickets sold by klusiv GbR bring no right to be returned, according to § 312b BGB. All sales are therefore final.
For couples only!
The event is for couples (also same sex couples) and their entourage only. Therefore you can't order less than 2 tickets in our shop system.
We recommend a ticket insucrance:
We recoomend an insurrance for your tickets, a so called Eintrittskarten Rücktrittsversicherung. Most insurrance companies offer such and usually it has to be booked right after purchasing tickets. Like travel insurrances, you can get your tickets refunded when you are sick, etc. It is only a few Euro and very worth having it!